Calabrian specialties


Our Calabrian artisan specialties...

they are appreciated all over the world, with a unique taste and absolute quality.

Calabria, the center of the Mediterranean, and our city Lamezia Terme, in the center of Calabria, is bathed by the "two seas" Tyrrhenian and Ionian, enjoys a unique privilege for its mild and sunny climate all year round, giving to the crops a completely natural and continuous maturation giving us products of the highest quality.

dry tomatoes

MANCUSO1976 - Specialità Calabresi Pomodori Secchi - Sundried Tomatoes

Calabrian treat

MANCUSO1976 - Specialità Calabresi Sfizietto Calabrese - Calabrian Spicy Sauce

green olive pate

MANCUSO1976 - Specialità Calabresi Patè di Olive Verdi - Green Olives Patè

pate' black olives

MANCUSO1976 - Specialità Calabresi Patè di Olive Nere - Black Olives Patè
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